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Why volatility can put you on the path to net zero


Download our Executive Perspective from Matthew Wood, Director of Energy Supply at British Gas, on turning energy cost uncertainty into net zero opportunity. 

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There’s no handbook on how to get to net zero. 

Most organisations understand that they need to decarbonise. But many still don’t know how much they need to do, by when, or how.

What are the right technologies to invest in? What needs to be done now, and what can wait until five years’ time? How should the supply chain be tackled? These are all questions that leaders around the world are asking themselves. 

Net zero as an investment, not a cost

In this volatile environment, there are opportunities. It might feel like reaching net zero is the last of your concerns right now. But the right sustainability strategy could provide some protection against price increases, as well as reducing your carbon emissions.

With so many decisions to be made, it can be hard to know where to begin. In this Executive Perspective, Matthew Wood - Director of Energy Supply at British Gas, shares his thoughts about the steps you should take today to become more resilient to volatile markets, while also accelerating your journey to net zero. It begins here. It begins with you. 

Download the Executive Perspective >
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